
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Programming language

The students will understand the concepts of organised programming and learn how to deliver programs for problem solving using structured programming language learning Outcomes By the end of the unit, the student should be commensurate to a) b) c) d) f) To understand principles of technical program design To understand the concept of a variable safekeeping a value, how a variable is declared and how it can changeTo be able to spend a conditional statement to select a excerption from two or more alternatives To understand the concept of a wave that is, a series of statements which is written once but executed repeatedly- and how to manipulation it in a programming language To be able to run out large problem into smaller parts, writing each part as a module or function To be able to use an array to store multiple pieces of homogeneous entropy, and use a structure to store multiple pieces of heterogeneous data Course Description incorporate programming problem solving tec hniques, algorithms, pseudo code, hanta, semantics, data types, expressions, statements, input/ railroad siding and control structures. Basic sequencing, alternation, and looping control constructs. Subprograms functional and procedural abstractions and data abstraction.

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